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Malaria Cell Atlas

The Malaria Cell Atlas is an active project led by the Lawniczak lab to provide an interactive data resource of single cell transcriptomic data across the full lifecycle of malaria parasites.

The MCA includes data from multiple collaborative projects, and more are in the works. Users can explore how genes are expressed over thousands of individual parasites from several different Plasmodium species and across all life stages.

We aim for the Malaria Cell Atlas to be beneficial to all malaria researchers, from those focused on particular gene families, to those developing novel drugs and vaccines. If you have suggestions for improvement, please get in touch at malariacellatlas@sanger.ac.uk.

Click on the buttons above to explore the species specific Atlases. Individual datasets, their associated papers where relevant, and their interactive views can be accessed here at “All Datasets”, as well as a number of other datasets generated but not incorporated into the Atlases.

NEW DATASETS: Our recent study published in Science, includes over 38,000 cells representing asexual and sexual blood stages of NF54 and 7G8 strains of Plasmodium falciparum and ~8000 parasites sampled from four natural malaria carriers from Mali.

Explore the new datasets at:

Wellcome Sanger Institute Wellcome Medical Research Council